Love my kids

Love my kids
Afternoon at Disney

Friday, July 27, 2012

What We've Been Into....

We've just been relaxing and enjoying the last few weeks of summer. Last Friday night Levi and Garrett spent the night, that was a lot of fun. They are the super good kids and fun to have around... Cooper and Adam had a blast playing PS3 with Garrett, and Baylee and Harper had fun hanging out with Levi. We swam a little on Saturday but the pool water is so warm it feels like bath water, and it's been so hot even playing in the pool doesn't cool you off.

Baylee had a cheerleading clinic at UCF this past week with her Top Notch All Star team. She said that really fun! Cooper's had some sort of rash on his butt and thigh so he had a trip to the Dr this week. The Dr didn't really know what it was so she gave him 4 different meds/creams, one of them worked since it's pretty much gone away. Harper has had a GREAT week since her best friend Abby came home from her long 6 week vacation. Harper has missed her so much, and was just so sad and pitiful when she ask to go see her and we'd tell her Abby wasn't home and she would go knock on the door anyway and her little face would get so sad when no one would she's super happy to have her back...and Baylee's super happy to have her buddy Hannah back too!

We're getting ready to jump headfirst into football and cheerleading 2012 tomorrow with the equipment hand out. Soon my weeks will be consumed with football and cheerleading gymnastics and all star cheer during the weekdays and high school football on Friday night, Pop Warner football and cheer Saturday morning, collage football the rest of the day and NFL of least it's structured...even if it does revolve around an 11inch brown leather ball.

This was 2am ish....Harper and Garrett couldn't hang with these three

I was just playing around editing and thought this was funny...