Love my kids

Love my kids
Afternoon at Disney

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Summertime Shenanigans

School will start in a few short weeks....kind of looking forward to schedules, early bedtimes and of course football.

The kids have had an awesome summer. They weren't home much and I don't we hardly ever saw all three at the same time.

Baylee turned 14, her small party ended up with what I think was half the high school!

They had fun on the waterslide:

And the pond

Harper and Elephante:

What a handsome devil:

Stopped at Moos for ice cream and a little cow milking:

The kids favorite part of grocery shopping:

4th of July...miserably hot!!!!:

Baylee decided she was going to play basketball this may not be her sport but she sure had fun doing the workouts and open gym:

I did a solo trip to VA!

I even did a solo hike to Comer's Creek Falls:

Harp saved her money up to buy herself some macaroons