The past Saturday Cooper and Adam were invited to go fishing with Chad and Michelle and the boys. Since Baylee had been asking to go to the mall with "just the girls" we decided to split up for the day. Baylee has suddenly decided that she is interested in clothes, jewelry, make up and all things girl and has been asking to go to the mall shopping. Saturday was super hot so it was a perfect day for shopping in doors! She drug me to what felt like EVERY store in there! She's decided that she loves Hollister, Abercrombie and Wet Seal. Hollister? WTF is up with that store???? It's dark, it's loud, it's narrow, it has too damn many fake palm trees!!! Ugh! I know I'd better enjoy this time of her wanting to shop with me, in a few years she'll replace me with her hip, cool friends who's young eyes can actually see well enough in the dark to tell just what it is they're buying at flippin Hollister!!! After the mall we hit up Target and Starbucks....Frappuccinos for me and Baylee and a chocolate milk with whip cream for Peanut which she LOVED and thought was the neatest thing ever! After shopping Baylee chose Cracker Barrel for lunch...seriously? what 10 year old picks Cracker Barrel? Oh well it was very yummy, we even splurged on dessert and a little shopping in the country store. After all that shopping I was tired....and broke, so we headed home and stayed up until midnight watching chick flicks! It was a PERFECT day and just what I needed!
While we were shopping the day away the boys went to Sebastian Inlet fishing with the Richard's family (well one of the Richards' families....there's several Richards' families out there) and they had a BLAST!!!! They fished all day long. Cooper caught 2 fish and Adam caught one fish...if you can call it that it was so small! They had such a good time we will definitely be doing that again....all of us this time.
Ok picture bomb time:
On the way to fish, Adam said he was in a really talkative mood, he finally got a chance to get a few words in without the girls
where they were fishing
one of Cooper's fish....I showed the picture to Harper and she said "Oh my God! It's ugly!!!" Cracker Barrel as loud as she could!
Cooper the fisherman
it should be illegal to be that cute!
Adam's (looks like bait to me)
Cooper's second fish....maybe he's gonna be a great fisherman like my dad!
sun pretty
Cooper and Chase
love this picture
and this one
they were fishing under this bridge
cousin Christian fishing
Harper modeling a Roxy backpack....I was too busy shopping to take a lot of pictures of our girls day
having lunch at Cracker Barrel
Harper wants this chair