After we got back from West Palm we spent 3 very relaxing days home before heading out again to VA. We were lucky enough to be able to get back up there for the family reunion. We enjoyed several days there, even though it was really hot! We got hike for a little bit on the Appalachian Trail....well Adam and I walked very slowly up a mountain and the kids ran up, so I guess evens out to a hike! It sure was pretty up there and I'm glad we got to do it. The lightening bugs were also out this time so the kids got to catch those, that's always fun! Saturday we went to the family reunion where it was HOT...too HOT, but still had a good time visiting with family. We got back Sunday and I had to go back to work on Monday, which was nice to get back to a normal routine. Only one more work day left this week....thank goodness, this has been the LONGEST week I've had in ages!!!
Look what was in Uncle John's yard!
Baylee ready to do some hiking
ready for a short hike
Not really sure where we are, the GPS on the phone said Balsam Mountain
you can't tell from this picture but we were really high up
Cooper on a rock
Storm rolling in
not much of a view
this is the normal view from there
looking for lightening bugs
of course we have to have a picture with Duckies
Baylee trying to catch a lightening bug
Gabby, Aubry, Harper and Baylee....20 yrs from now I want them to recreate this picture
with their cousins