Ahh...VACATION!!!! Everyone but Harper stayed up way late last night, I'm talking til one or later (Baylee swears she was up until 3am) so when Harper woke us up early this morning we were dragging. We packed this morning...don't know why I waited til the last minute, then we went to Walmart for a few things. By then everyone was hungry and Saturday stinks for early risers, it's hard to find lunch before 11am, but Adam had a good idea and off to Mutt's we went. Sure enough they opened at 10, so we were able to have super yummy Mutt's burgers. Cooper said "this is the best cheese hamburger ever". All three of the kids have a hard time saying "hamburger", Baylee used to call it "ham-gu-burger", Cooper called it "hamburgerking" no matter where it was from, and Harper still calls them "hambeggers".
After our awesome lunch (for pictures check out my new page: phone food), we headed to West Palm Beach. The Marriott on Singer Island has had some positive changes in the last year. First the rooms have been redone (check out my picture page here), the colors remind me of the late 60's...oranges, mustard yellow and greens but the lights and chairs are very angular and modern. They also tore out their playground (which was usually too hot to play on) and put in a splash pad which Harper loves! The final big change is a 9 hole putt putt course, the kids and Adam have already played a few rounds on it. After we got into town we had some ice cream at this place called Pop's Creamery...it wasn't very good, Cooper got tangerine ice cream (yuck) and the girls shared bubblegum (that had small gum balls mixed in). We spent the rest of the afternoon/evening/night swimming in the pool and the ocean. We had pizza for lunch from the Pizza Hut here...it was sooo greasy and not very good...
Baylee said her favorite part of vacation today was playing putt putt and shuffle board with Carissa. Coopers favorite part was playing with uncle Mo in the ocean, and Harper's said her favorite part was Malachi...she told me "he's my best best friend"
My favorite picture of the day: