Love my kids

Love my kids
Afternoon at Disney

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Countdown to Summer

Only 2 more days of school left! This week is dragging by pretty slowly, trying to do things to make it go by quicker. Monday we made apple nachos after gymnastic practice. Talk about messy... they were pretty easy to make though, just core the apples, slice, and top with whatever...we used carmel, peanut butter sauce, homemade marshmallow sauce and chocolate chips.

The kids did the decorating so they may not look the best
but they sure were good!

Cooper and Baylee both had pj day at school today, he sure was glad to wear his new pj's to school! I swear the last 2 weeks are a total waste of time, each day is a different day of doing nothing, movie day, pj day, field day, pizza day, game day, clean the classroom day.....