It's been a fun couple of weeks, we've had Christmas, New Years, and a BSC game that I'm not allowed to talk about EVER. The kids had a great Christmas, they're too spoiled! The weather has been awesome down here. It's been in the 80's all week! One of our goals for 2012 is to do something fun with the kids every week. Not necessacirialily going somewhere, just something fun. Last week the boys went and played paintball with the church and the girls stayed home and had a pj and movie day. Last night we went to Old Town/Fun Spot. The kids had lots of fun riding rides and go carts and looking at the old cars. It's neat that now Cooper is actually really interested in the cars....Harper only likes the red ones. Harmony is having family volleyball this evening so we may check that out, it's also supposed to be 84 today so there's a possibility we may do some swimming too.....
Old Town does a classic care cruise every Saturday night, last night there was over 300 cars. Understandably, most of the owners don't want anyone touching their cars. Harper was looking at this one and said "Wow I love it, it's awesome and fast" so the owner asked her if she wanted to sit in it and have her picture taken, of course she did. She told me she wanted us to get that for our next car
Harper loved the bumper cars the most!
Cooper is finally tall enough to go on the big bumper cars.
She loved "bumping" people, I'm in trouble when she's old enough to drive a car.
Harper got just a little scared at the beginning of the ride....
Racing down the slide:
My girls!