Harper: Loving Pre K! Still doing gymnastics, in fact she had her first pre team meet today. She did great and got 5 medals. She is so proud of them, and we're very proud of her! After the football game yesterday we headed up to Daytona for her meet. The meet was actually in Palm Coast but we spent the night in Daytona and drove the rest of the way to Palm Coast this morning. Cooper and Baylee had lots of fun watching her, Cooper even told her how proud he was of her and drew her a picture for doing so well. Harper is such a smart and silly girl, her new thing is saying "your face" all the time. She was talking to me a few weeks ago and said "Mom, you know what's funny?" I said "what?" and she said "your face". Now she uses that on everyone! A few nights ago she way laying in bed singing and said "hmmm....it's a mystery" I said "what's a mystery?" and she said "your face!" She is just too much!!!
Cooper: Is still staying busy with school, football and gymnastics! He's doing FANTASTIC in school, his teacher is so great with him, as of right now he has straight A's! We are so happy he's doing so well, and to think his teacher last year wanted him to fail!!! That just shows that the teacher and the enviroment make all the difference. He even got to be student of the week the second week of school and he is always getting special "write ups" from his teacher for doing so well. He's really taken off with his reading and it makes my heart happy that he brings us books every night for read to us, his favorite is Fly Guy. Again, I just can't believe how much he's improved this year and words cannot express how grateful we are to his teacher for all she's done for him so far this year.
Baylee: Is another busy girl! She's loving 5th grade and has made a ton of friends here in the neighborhood.....maybe too many! She's also staying busy with cheerleading and getting reading for their big competition in two weeks. She really likes 5th grade and her teacher Mr Vandenburg.....who happens to be our neighbor, and his daughter and Harper are really good friends. Baylee even got chosen to be a Student Ambassador, a job she is taking very very seriously! 5th grade is a lot different, Baylee has been doing tons of projects and has even started playing the violin! I'm sure she'll excel at that just like she does everything else.
Me and Adam: I've been staying pretty busy with work, I had to go to Dallas for two nights last month. I hate leaving my family and traveling for work but I do enjoy having the king size bed at the Marriott all to my self! Adam is still coaching football, and still getting stressed out about it! Notre Dame is having a great football season this year so that's made Adam super happy, the games are still pretty stressful to watch with him though......it's neat this year that Cooper is really in to football and loves watching the games with his dad. They went to a UCF game last Thursday and had lots of fun together. We just celebrated Adam's birthday this past Saturday.....he's 29.....again, just like I will be in a few weeks!
Here's tons of pictures, I hope they are in order.....
Cooper getting ready to play
Baylee Cheering:
This is how Harper rolls:
First Day of 2nd Grade
Baylee's first day of 5th grade:
Walking to school:
I love living so close to the school:
almost there:
the crossing guard is really nice:
Harper's first day of Pre K
there goes Peanut:
what a cutie!
wearing her new demo leo:
Baylee cheering, Cooper and friends hiding from the sun under a sign and watching the girls:
Baylee and her "mini me" project:
Harper wanted to hold it too:
so did Cooper for some reason, he sure doesn't look happy though:
Harper sleeping with Cooper's Duckies
$18 for breakfast! Really Marriott? AND it wasn't even very good!
$10 for a pot of coffee!
The Dallas airport is really nice!
Harper said "get me candy from the candy store" I said "there's no candy store in the airport", she said "yes there is, I just know there is" well Harper was right, there WAS a candy store at my terminal!
Harper at the Orlando airport, they love coming to pick mom up!
Harper sleeping with daddy's blanket, she says only her and daddy can use his blanket, and she uses it almost every night to fall asleep with:
getting warmed up for the game:
Cooper and Coach Eddie, Cooper was so happy he came to watch him play football!
Harper and a school project:
Harper in a scary mask 2012
Harper in another scary mask 2010, I don't know why she wants to dress up in something so scary:
Super Cool Cooper.....I added the pipe, the mustache is all him!
Eating breakfast at Denny's :
Cooper and Dad
View from our room at the Hilton in Daytona Beach
Trying to get a good picture....
That's pretty good....
What is Cooper doing?
Our hotel from the pier
playing in the pool
at Harper's meet:
Look at Peanut and her five medals!
UCF game:
Bubby at the UCF game: