Love my kids

Love my kids
Afternoon at Disney

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

My Big Girl Turned Five!

This past Thursday my Harper Peanut turned 5!...oh and it was also Thanksgiving! It's hard to believe that 5 short years ago Harper was born on Thanksgiving morning and only weighed 3 and 1/2 she's almost as big as Cooper! She had a great birthday and loved all her gifts, especially her "Marion Girl Doll" as she calls it....she means American Girl Doll. She's named her Lilly.....from How I Met Your Mother, she loves Lilly on that show. Harper is sweet and funny and we just love her to pieces. For her birthday she informed us that "Aunt Jackie" was going to make her strawberry cupcakes, and Jackie did make some awesome strawberry and pumpkin cupcakes.

We also went to Shane and Heidi's for Thanksgiving, it was chilly but lots of fun and lots of great food and company. Harper was happy to have everyone sing happy birthday to her.

What a super cute Harper Peanut:

little Peanut in the NICU five years ago....

With her new doll Lilly


Singing Happy Birthday to Harper
 Love my kids:

It's hard to get them to stay still for a picture

Harper just relaxing with Lilly

 Harper playing Connect 4 with uncle Shane

can't believe how grown up Baylee is getting:

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Turkey Trot!

This morning Baylee and Cooper got to run in a 5K Turkey Trot! It was their first ever 5K, Baylee came in 5th overall and Cooper came in first! Even beating the adults! I'm so proud of the two of them! There wasn't too many serious runners there but Cooper still did great, his time was 29 minutes and Baylee's was 33. Poor bubby didn't look too good when he came across the finish line, he was pale and pasty! It was nice having the adult runners come over and tell him what a good job he did and offer him so running tips! Of course Adam was bursting with pride over his kids.....and then he was looking up running camps for them to do this summer!

So school is out for a week for Thanksgiving. This past Thursday Harper had her Thanksgiving Feast at school, I had a meeting I couldn't get out of and Adam had a Dr's appointment so Aunt Holly went with Harper. Harper said all the food was good except for the green beans, she said those were too nasty because they had onions in them. On Friday Cooper had his Thanksgiving play at school, I took the day off Friday so I could go to that. He was one of the narrators, and did a fabulous job! So proud of all my kids, they are doing so great in school this year!

Cooper's Johnny Appleseed school project

Cooper getting ready to narrate

Baylee and Cooper getting ready for their 5K

Baylee stretching a bit

Baylee gets her flexibility from her mom :)

Cooper trying to do what Baylee was doing, his legs don't bend that way

Look at that handsome little runner, getting ready to have a pre race banana

Harper came out to support her brother and sister

Harper has learned the Pledge of Allegiance
at school and does a really good job with it. It's nice that they say it every day before class!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Halloween, Wrestling and Bonfires....

I cannot believe it's already the 10th of November! In 12 more days my baby will be 5! So much has happened in the last 5 years it almost seems like a lifetime. We're staying busy with school, luckily work hasn't been too busy for me....which I'm taking full advantage of and taking some time off to recharge a bit.

The kids had a nice Halloween. The Ferralls came over to go trick or treating with us....well with Harper and Cooper. Baylee is too cool for us so she went with her friends. I stayed home and handed out candy, I gave it all away by 8! Luckily the kids got back about the time I ran out so they went through their candy and handed out what they didn't want. I made them come in at 9 but there were still lots of people still out in Harmony walking around!

Last weekend was Cooper's first wrestling tournament of the year. There wasn't really anyone in his weight class (?), level (?) so he wrestled up (?).....I don't really get the whole wrestling thing yet but he did good and came in 3rd place!

Last night we went to a bonfire! I'd forgotten how much fun they are, I also had forgotten that somewhere along the way I've gotten old....I remembered that this morning....ugh! Oh well, good times with family and friends are worth it.

We've got a busy 6 weeks coming up, Thanksgiving, Harper's Birthday, Cooper's birthday and Christmas. Hoping we can just find time to relax and enjoy each other!

Cooper asks every year to be something scary for Halloween, this year he got to!

Cooper, Harper, Levi, Garrett....just missing too cool Baylee who was with Bella and Gina

My bubby got straight A's so he and daddy got to celebrate with the Shorthorn Round Up and Ice Cream! So flippin proud of him!

"Warming Up" before the wrestling tournament 

Cooper standing on Coach Eddie

Poor Coach Eddie

What a great guy Coach Eddie is to spend his Saturday morning getting beat up by these little guys!

See that 24? That's Cooper's highest score yet!

Baylee as a pirate for Halloween

Love my Peanut!

Getting ready to go to the bonfire! Cannot believe how grown up and tall she's getting!

Look at my two models!

So pretty!

Levi at the bonfire, the last 5 seconds of audio pretty much sums it up!