Love my kids

Love my kids
Afternoon at Disney

Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday 9/16....cause I can't think of a catchier title....

We're still staying super busy with football and cheer, practice 3 nights a week and games on Saturday morning. Seems like our entire weekend is devoted to football, in fact Adam and the big kids are at the Harmony high school game tonight. Peanut and I are staying in catching up on some old school 90210. Tomorrow is the big game against the Bulldogs, Cooper is starting as quarterback the first half so that should be interesting. Later in the day is another big game...ND vs Michigan State, man I hope we can get an upset with that one...sure would make Adam a happy guy. We've decided to put off our relocation to Knoxville until the end of next school year. We want Cooper to get to finish off his Tiny Mite career as a Longhorn, which is only fair considering all the time and energy he and Adam have put into it.

Not a lot else happening this week. I've been sick with a cold/sinus thing and missed 3 days of work...I'm sure I'll pay for it next week. I've been pinning like crazy! Got lots of ideas for Christmas and Harper's candy party.

Here are some of my favorite photo's we've taken lately:

 Harper and the mannequin at Philly Steak and Cheese

Cooper loves his little sister:

Harper's favorite part of football games: the icee's!!!

mouthwash at Chick Fil A, really? and the sad part is that it's been used, and there's no little cups to use it with

Baylee and her new friend after the game:

Baylee and Dad

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Finally Football Season!<~~~ That's for Adam

Well tonight is the first NFL game of the season, I think Adam was so worried there wasn't gonna be a season that's he's just happy to watch anyone play tonight. I love this time of year when we're all about football from Thursday night to Tuesday morning! 

The kids are getting into the grove of being back in school. This week Cooper has had swimming and loves it. Baylee is doing super good, bringing home a 100 on her first math test and 105 on her first spelling test...I have no idea where she get's her spelling smarts from. Adam and Harper have stayed busy this week helping with Cooper's swimming classes and doing a toddler class with Aunt Amy and Malachi.

We still have football and cheer practice 3 nights a week and games on Saturday morning so our weeks are staying pretty full. I'm still completely addicted to Pinterest so that's still sucking up a lot of my time....

We've got so much going on and so much coming up, this is going to be a very busy fall!